Book cover From Savvy Saver to Smart Spender with book award re financial planning in retirement. SHowspiggy bank with coins going in and dollars coming out like an ATM machine.

From Savvy Saver To SMART SPENDER

Are you in your fifties or sixties and about to retire or already retired? Do you expect your 401(k) and other accounts to total a few hundred thousand dollars or more by the time you start withdrawing from them? Then BUY THIS BOOK and use the Retirement Tax Saver Calculator to see how you could save tens of thousands of dollars or more in taxes during retirement.

The Problem Is

Paying higher taxes than you need to in
retirement, reducing your standard of living.

tax saving
Retirement Tax Saver Calculator
Retirement Tax Saver

The Opportunity Is

You can save thousands of dollars in taxes by beginning withdrawals from your 401k and IRA accounts before age 72 when Required Minimum Distributions may require higher withdrawals — and taxes — than you want or need.

See How YOU Can Slash Taxes In Your
Retirement Years By

Reading the book, From Savvy Savers to Smart Spenders, available here.
Pick a Withdrawal Strategy by clicking the Retirement Tax Saver tool here.

I Discovered This

I was trying to figure out for myself how much to start withdrawing from these accounts when I semi-retired recently. There were no resources available to explain how much to withdraw. So I created a calculator tool that runs the numbers. I learned that big savings are possible if the right withdrawal strategy is used.

Retirement Tax Saver Calculator

Join me...

in reaching greater financial security in retirement by creating your own Tax-wise Retirement Withdrawal Strategy.
Author – DANIEL W. McDonald